Valheim’s volcanic Ashlands update gets first proper trailer and breakdown | Gaming Trailer

Valheim, the popular norse-inspired survival game, is set to get even deadlier and at least several percent more volcanic with its upcoming Ashlands biome. The new biome is due to enter public testing as we speak.

Highlights from the update include a new set of ‘flametal weapons’ to wield, imbued with powers like lightning and nature magic. They’ll be new foes, including a nasty looking bone spider thing. The environment itself will also become an enemy, forcing you to contend with fire rain, statistically one of the least desirable and most scientifically confusing rain types there is. Here’s a trailer:

I’ll level with you. I’ve been meaning to play Valheim for years but only managed a couple of hours near release, so I’ve got very little to meaningfully comment on the changes. Instead, I’ll deliver them raw and ungarnished. However, I don’t like the idea of doing a dry news post, so I’m going to interject information about the washing machine malfunction I’m currently dealing with, so that the quoted press release seems incredibly colourful by comparison.

Here’s the deets:

“Ashlands will…”


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