10 Notable UFO Landing Cases from the Late 20th Century • Latest UFO Sightings | UAP

The late 20th century witnessed a surge in UFO sightings that captivated the public and researchers alike. With reports spanning across the globe, these encounters not only sparked curiosity but also left physical evidence and credible testimonies. This article delves into ten of the most compelling UFO landing cases from this era, exploring the unique circumstances and lasting implications of each.

1. New Mexico, 1976

In the quiet expanses of New Mexico, an unsettling series of animal mutilations coincided with reports of UFO landings. Law enforcement and locals found themselves puzzled by the precise surgical removals on cattle, connected with strange craft observed in the night skies, leaving behind physical traces and a community on edge.

2. China, 1977

Amidst political turbulence post-Mao, a silent luminous object was witnessed landing on a hilltop in Fujian Province. The incident, involving over 150 soldiers, ended with a high-stakes standoff, the craft emitting disorienting effects on the troops before it ascended swiftly into the night sky.

3. Argentina, 1979

In the remote town of Viseras, oil field workers encountered a UFO at dawn. The object responded to the workers’ signals using its lights, leaving behind a petrified sand circle and distressed local wildlife, suggesting a possible interest in the area’s natural resources.

4. United Kingdom, 1980

The Rendlesham Forest incident, often dubbed “Britain’s Roswell,” involved multiple military personnel from the nearby RAF Bentwaters. Witnesses reported close encounters with a structured craft capable of telepathic communication, leaving lasting health effects on those involved.

5. USSR, 1985

In a secretive episode from the Soviet era, a military installation tracked a high-altitude object before witnessing it dispatch a smaller craft that landed. The rapid mobilization of military units and subsequent cover-up attempts highlighted the tense relationship between UFO phenomena and Cold War sensibilities.

6. USSR, 1990

Another significant Soviet case involved a radar interference by an unidentified…

Source www.latest-ufo-sightings.net

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