Apple TV Plus has a new number-one movie | Technology

Apple TV+ doesn’t get nearly as many movies as rival services like Netflix, making every new flick an event.

Its latest is a big-hitter too, Argylle starring Henry Cavill, Sam Rockwell and Bryce Dallas Howard. The film has hit the top spot at 95 countries according to Flixpatrol, leaving just one outlier, where The Family Plan is top dog — Saint Kitts and Nevis.

With a population of under 50,000 (2022 census), a handful of households might have swayed that.

Back to the real topic. Argylle is a film vaguely connected to the Kingsman series. Novelist Elly Conway finds herself on the run after the plot of her novel appears to resemble reality.

Sound exciting? While there was a point Argylle trailers were impossible to avoid if you went to the cinema, the film itself wasn’t originally much of a hit with either audiences or critics.

At its original theatrical run in February 2024, the film made $96 million globally. It cost $200 to make, minus marketing costs, leaving Apple and production partner Universal Pictures in the hole for this one.

Argylle also received middling to poor reviews, achieving a 33% freshness score at Rotten Tomatoes.

However, plenty of even the negative ones do admit there are some good times to be had once you get over the long run-time and…


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