“Apple prices are still not sufficient to cover all of the rising costs” | Technology

The start of 2024 has been better for a Polish apple exporter than the start of the year before, says Emilia Lewandowska, office manager for Fruit-Group: “Looking at the start of 2024, our company has managed to increase its sales for apples compared to the start of 2023. However, the same can’t be said for the sales of our pears, as we’ve sold less of them in January and February of 2023, compared to a year earlier. This is caused by the lower harvest of pears for our company this season.”

Although Polish apple prices are quite a bit higher than they were a year ago, Lewandowska states that the producers are still not making enough money to cover their costs. “The apple prices went up slightly during the first period of the year. Overall, the season has been quite stable when it comes to the prices. We had big strikes of the producers in Poland. Despite prices having increased compared to a couple of years ago, the prices are still not sufficient to cover all of the rising costs. The production of fresh produce should be profitable and encouraging, but unfortunately this currently isn’t the case. At this point, we know that energy costs will increase during the second…

Source www.freshplaza.com

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